The social-recovery program "Man-Legend-Nick Vujcic" was launched.
The difficult situation in Ukraine: the anti-terrorist operation in the east, the crisis in the country, social impoverishment has given new challenges today.
Therefore, in 2016 Olerom Consulting has launched the social recovery program "Man-Legend-Nick Vujcic".
This project is not only for ATO soldiers and people with physical disabilities, it is also a project for young people and students, all those in need, which will give our Ukrainians a clear program "Live on, go for the better."
As part of the Project, on April 5-8, 2016, at the invitation of Olerom Consulting, Ukraine will be visited by "Smile Man" - a world-famous motivator Nick Vujicic. A man without limbs who has overcome fear, frustration, humiliation and pain.
Nick Vujcic will visit big cities: Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv and others.
Such a tour called "Life without Borders" will unite Ukrainians: from the needy to the oligarchs.
In Kyiv, Nick Vujcic is scheduled to present his book Life Without Borders, visit the Main Military Clinical Hospital, train for ATO participants, give a lecture to students of one of the universities, speak at the Palace of Sports and head charity auction.
Olerom Consulting has agreed that free wheelchairs will be provided free of charge during events with Nick Vujcic for the convenience of ATO disabled people.